Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Great Day Off From Work!

Praise the Lord for all the beautiful and wondrous gifts he gives us!

God blesses us and gifts us in so many fantastic and wonderful ways. Yesterday, I was so blessed to be able to enjoy a great day off from work. It was going to be a very hot day here in the city and I decided to take a short trip a few miles north of here to Goshen Pass (see below). Goshen Pass is one of the most beautiful areas in these parts of Virginia or anywhere for that matter.

Early in the morning, I packed myself a picnic, along with my camera, binoculars and of course my Holy Bible. Here in the South, school has already been in session for some days now and discovered that I pretty much has Goshen Pass all to myself. Not a soul around! This place is so beautiful

that one has a hard time deciding where to set up "camp" for the day and I have so many favorite spots here.

During the course of the day, I was able to relax and get a little bit of sun, go swimming nude and go for a few short nude hikes as well. The waters of the Maury River was crystal clear and not all that cold. This one one place in particular is wonderful for swimming. It is if God saw that a swimming hole was needed and carved out within the rushing waters of the river is a

"lagoon" like spot where the water is tranquil and deep over my head for good swimming. Nearby, a very short hike away is a beautiful forest of very tall pine trees, so pristine and quiet with a beautiful floor of pine needles and no other growth. It like walking on a soft carpet! And just a short ways from there is a bend in the river with a footbridge to take you to other wonderful trails. Nude hiking at its finest!

The whole entire day was magnificent and I can only wonder if God is providing me with a

"preview" of his heavenly Kingdom for Goshen Pass is one of those few places that to me is as close to heaven on earth than a man can experience.

Thank you Lord for giving me so many beautiful spots!

Praise Jesus!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Evolution Handbook - A Great Reference!

Facts are Powerful!

I don't do this often but once in awhile I will recommend books or publications which are of great interest to me. The Evolution Handbook is a fantastic THICK 992 page reference book which for me delivers the truth and facts about Creation science. Every Christian who believes in 6 day Creation should read this book and I highly recommend this to any home school teacher or Christian teacher as a valuable reference in your teaching.

"Thousands of scientific facts, disproving every basic area of evolutionary theory, are at your fingertips with this fascinating, easy-to-read resource. Key points quickly jump to your notice as you flip through this topically arranged and fully indexed handbook. You'll be shocked by hundreds of statements by prominent scientists who disprove evolutionary theory. They know evolution is a hoax. Keep this book handy for your own understanding of the subject and to share information with others. Facts are powerful!" - Creation Science Evangelism Website

Creation Science Evangelism is offering this book for a bargain price .. $4.25!

Cleanse Me From My Sin (PSALM 51:2-52)

PSALM 51:2-52

Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. (KJV)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Creation Photography #8

I read the Holy Bible (KJV) everyday. My faith is based on the words of the Holy Bible. I live my life by every word in the Holy Bible. Though God’s words of the Holy Bible I have been saved and reborn into a new life with Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Lord and my King of Kings.

I am a Creationist and solidly believe that God is my Creator and created everything around me, above me and below me; Everything!

I love photography and using my photographs to praise the Lord’s creation is a joyful pleasure for me. Most of these photos were taken nearby my home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

I would love to share with you my photographs and graphics which serve to honor my Creator. (Click on the graphic and a full resolution graphic will appear).

Saturday, August 22, 2009

God has blessed me with a whole new approach to life!

Saved by Jesus!

I can not describe the personal joy and contentment that fills my life today after having been saved by Jesus; it is non stop and around the clock 24/7!

I truly feel like a new man with a new lease on life. I see the world, God’s World differently now. God has blessed me with a whole new approach to life. It is a wonderful calm feeling I live by now with more patience and understanding to whatever issues should come my way.

I promise you, that once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you will also have a new lease on life and things will change for you in amazing ways. Remember we are all sinners and Jesus gives you through his death and resurrection a chance to be saved and to life a fresh new life in his glory.

Please contact me if you want spiritual encouragement, advice, information or my prayers. Write to me

Friday, August 21, 2009

Everyday, Pray to Jesus!

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

I love reading scripture and I love prayer. Every morning and every evening I will kneel down and pray to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the morning, I give thanks to God for keeping me on Earth one more day and I pray to live my day as best as I can in the most Christian way that I can. I pray for wisdom and common sense, strength to handle whatever problems may come my way, patience and compassion.

In the evening, I give thanks to Jesus, for getting me through the day. This is a time I may also reflect on my sins of the day and for those parts of the day I did not live up to my own expectations as a strong Christian man; I pray to the Lord to forgive my sins and transgressions. Also, at this time, I offer the Lord my soul if he should decide to take me into his Kingdom; In death I will rejoice and praise the Lord, for I will be in his Kingdom of Heaven!

During my daily activities, I take every opportunity to pray. All those moments of the day when we wait in lines, or while we are driving from here to there or just those times when we take a break from hard work; those are prayerful times! The next time you are at a red light, or eating lunch alone or performing some task on the job take time to pray in your own special way and you will discover how hum-drum boredom can be turned into good feelings in your heart.

I also want to pray for you. Whether your problem is financial, job stress, unemployment, addiction, poor health or sexual issues I will pray for you. Complete one of the forms on this page and that will deliver to me your message. In turn, I will read every message I receive and sincerely keep you in my daily prayers.
Everyday, Pray to Jesus!
Schedule your time to pray and make it your number one priority. The Lord comes first in our lives above everything else. We all have busy and hectic lives but do not let that be an excuse to not fit prayer into your lives.
Prayer Opportunities
Take advantage of those moments we all hate; Waiting at the doctors office, Being stuck in traffic or waiting in line at the grocery store. Rather than let your blood pressure rise with anger, let Jesus make these moments Godly for you and feel the calm and peace he can deliver to you.
Take a “Prayer Escape”
No matter how good or how bad your day is going, take an a small journey into prayer! Pick up your Holy Bible and go to one of your favorite nearby places out of doors or maybe a special place in your home. Escape in prayer and scripture to the Lord. I often go down to this peaceful place by the river here in the city. Oh Praise Jesus for the peaceful and spiritual nourishment this provides for me.
“A shot in the arm”
PrayerWe all have days where we feel blue or may be struggling with some of life’s problems. It is at our worse times that prayer can give us a big boost in our day. I promise you that if you open the bible or talk to the Lord, you will soon sense a lift of your spirits. The Lord is always with us and during those rough times he is there for you. Pray to him!
Thankful Prayer
Before I enjoy any meal, even at a fast food restaurant I will always take the time to offer my gratitude and thanks to the Lord. He has given me the means to care for myself and to provide for myself. This is also a time for me to offer my prayers to those who are less fortunate. Never, ever can we forget those who are struggling in life. There are many other moments where we can offer thanks to the Lord as well. Think about all the times during a day he has blessed you;Those are the times to offer him thanks. I may have gone through a difficult situation at work and it sure does feel right when I take even only a few seconds to speak to the Lord in gratitude.
Pray against Satan
Jesus Christ was tempted by the Devil throughout his ministry. The Bible says: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15 KJV). Prayer is our most powerful weapon to fight the evil of Satan. As much as God is with us always, Satan’s evil spirit is there to fight against our Lord and our devotion to him. Prayer will help us achieve purity for the power of prayer is far greater than any lustful desire or unclean sex act could achieve. Lust may not always be sexual as we lust for other sinful endeavors that only do harm to ourselves and compromise our relationship with God. Deep, sincere prayer will eradicate any temptation Satan may present to us. We are all sinners and we can never let our guard down against the evil of Satan.
Carry the word of God with you!
I have my one personal Bible that I keep at home for all of my home scripture reading. But I also have other Bibles so that I may have the word of God with me at all times. I keep a Bible with me at work and also have one stored in the glove compartment of my car and I have a small pocket version that I keep in my back pocket (when I am nude, I just carry the Word of God in my hands!). If your Bible is with you everywhere you go, you then have the word of God with you. Never will you miss an opportunity to offer praise and worship to the Lord.

Praying with My Photography #5

I love photography and I love prayer! So it only seems right to combine them both into these graphics I would love to share with you. All of these photographs were taken by me. To see the full high resolution graphic, please click on the image. God Bless You! Jesus DOES Save!

Creation Photograph #8

I read the Holy Bible (KJV) everyday. My faith is based on the words of the Holy Bible. I live my life by every word in the Holy Bible. Though God’s words of the Holy Bible I have been saved and reborn into a new life with Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Lord and my King of Kings.

I am a Creationist and solidly believe that God is my Creator and created everything around me, above me and below me; Everything!

I love photography and using my photographs to praise the Lord’s creation is a joyful pleasure for me. Most of these photos were taken nearby my home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

I would love to share with you my photographs and graphics which serve to honor my Creator. (Click on the graphic and a full resolution graphic will appear).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just a Closer Walk with Thee

Did I tell you I LOVE JESUS! ?

I love good old fashion Christian Music. I won't dwell into it much here, but I have very serious and grave reservations in regard to the Christian Rock, Hip Hop and Rap I hear today. It all sounds a bit too Satanic to me.

One of my old time favorites is the hymn, Take a Closer Walk with Thee. Beautiful simple lyrics where so much is said in so few words. I never tire of listening to this hymn and often sing it to myself. Each time I hear it, it moves me so much as a Christian. At my Dad's funeral last year, I invited everyone to join me in singing this great son. It was one of his favorites. It gives me such great comfort that he is with the Lord in his Kingdom. He passed at 93, and witnessed his Salvation to me at 92.

Here are the Lyrics to this beautiful hymn.

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Creation Photograph #7

I read the Holy Bible (KJV) everyday. My faith is based on the words of the Holy Bible. I live my life by every word in the Holy Bible. Though God’s words of the Holy Bible I have been saved and reborn into a new life with Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Lord and my King of Kings.

I am a Creationist and solidly believe that God is my Creator and created everything around me, above me and below me; Everything!

I love photography and using my photographs to praise the Lord’s creation is a joyful pleasure for me. Most of these photos were taken nearby my home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

I would love to share with you my photographs and graphics which serve to honor my Creator. (Click on the graphic and a full resolution graphic will appear).

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


"And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." -Peter 4:8-10 (KJV)

Whether we have the spiritual gift of hospitality or not, it can be a part of our way of life. None of us deny that it’s easier to share hospitality with family and friends than with the stranger on the street. But the New Testament teaches us that Christianity is the religion of open hands, open hearts, and open doors. When we open our hearts as well as our homes, we’re practicing Christian hospitality.

The Book of 1 John makes it plain that when we love others, we are showing our love for God. He loves us completely and unconditionally. Equally, when we love and serve others in the community through hospitality, we are also serving God.

While the art of hospitality may come easy for some, it may be quite difficult for others. After all, it’s not always easy to give of yourself, much less your hard-earned gains. And like most things in life, hospitality isn’t done perfectly the first time. But don’t stop trying. When we do it over and over, it truly becomes a comfortable part of our nature. It’s all in perspective.

Many people choose to focus on what they don’t have instead of focusing on sharing the blessings of God. So give it a try. Somewhere along the way, you’ll realize that people are not in your home for the unlimited entertaining budget. Rather, they sense lovingkindness and genuine concern. That’s the moment when your home becomes a sanctuary for those God sends your way.

Just think: If Christians would practice true hospitality, we could play a significant part in changing our corner of the world. After all, we are living miracles and have so much to share.

The bottom line is that God can use people like you and me to touch lives. It doesn’t matter if we rent or own a house or an apartment; our homes are an extension of ourselves. When we practice hospitality, we have the opportunity to touch lives in an intimate, personal way. Be bold: God has not only given you the roof over your head, but also will give you the love and wisdom needed to open your home to others.

With a little planning and preparation – and a good measure of prayer – you can be prepared to share your home with friends, neighbors, and even the strangers God may send your way.

Praying with My Photography #4

I love photography and I love prayer! So it only seems right to combine them both into these graphics I would love to share with you. All of these photographs were taken by me. To see the full high resolution graphic, please click on the image. God Bless You! Jesus DOES Save!


I love spending time with my friends, acquaintances and relatives. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. But there are times when nothing for me works better than being alone with my best friend, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Daily, without fail, I do spend that special time with the Lord every evening before I retire for a night's sleep and upon awakening with each new morning God has blessed me with. No matter how good or bad my day was or what kind of day I have in store for me, my very special time with Jesus nourishes my spirit and gives me tremendous peace of mind.

However, there are those moments, on any given day, that I will take more time out to be with the Lord for certain personal reasons. I may need to work out some type of problem going on in my life or I may need to reflect on my sins and transgressions and there are other times for no special reason that I just seek the company of my Savior.

So often, for these reflective moments in my life, there is no better place to be than out in nature; God's World. I may find myself at the top of a mountain with the whole world below me and all around me, or beside a beautiful waterfall, maybe in a meadow or alone deep into the woods with the sound of HIS creatures around me. There is nothing that can compare to the feeling of standing naked before God amongst all that he has created. The absolute quite occasionally broken by a echoing bird call gives is profound and it is during moments such as these that I feel so close to Jesus.

Praise the Lord for the Kingdom he has created for me on his Earth!

Please folks, if you are searching for answers write to me ( I will show you how accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will make changes in your life you never thought possible.


"But so much the more went there a fame abroad of him: and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infirmities.

And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed."

-Luke 5:15-16 (KJV)

Monday, August 17, 2009

God is Our Creator.. Size is Not an Issue!

A difficult issue for so many man is the size of their genitalia. For some a large manhood is perceived as being a sign of manliness and so many with a small weenie have issues with self esteem. But if you ponder for a moment in your walk with Jesus, and if you are truly saved by Jesus, than the size of your organ should be of no concern. Remember that God is our Creator! No matter how tall or short we are, fat or thin, old or young, well endowed or not, we are all perfect in God's eyes. Take all your worry and concerns and just turn it over to the Lord as we do with so many issues in our lives. God Love You! Below is the text I posted today in a Men Only Forum at The Naturist-Christians Organization (, wonderful and remarkable online forum for the Christian Naturist. I will be writing more about this great website in the future. I recommend that if you are a Christian Naturist go there and join now!

One beautiful part of bringing Jesus Christ into my life is how many things that mattered to me or things that I worried about suddenly disappeared. I have been a nudist most of my life! But since my salvation, my naturist lifestyle has taken on a whole new perspective. I used to fret about my body at times and all its imperfections but suddenly I have total self acceptance and a huge weight is off of my shoulders as it is with every other part of my life. I now see my body as a creation of God rather than something to fret about. As far as my male genitalia goes, for whatever his reason, God has blessed me with a short penis and a scrotum of grand proportions. (As the old saying goes, "all potatoes and no meat!" ) But who am I to question how and why God made me? Before being saved, I admit, I worried about the size of my manhood and was too self conscious about it for my own good. However, at this stage of my life I feel blessed for everything God has given me. With salvation, there is no longer feelings of envy toward men with large organs, no more feelings of inadequacy... that is all behind me forever! Praise Jesus! Every morning when I begin a new day my first thoughts are always about how beautiful it is to have Christ in my life as I do. I celebrate this miracle everyday! Jesus has changed my life is so many amazing ways! I feel like the biggest man on earth and it has nothing to do with the small size of my organ but rather my profound love of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I am a Creationist

One of my great passions and interests is Creationism. First and foremost I believe that my King James Bible is the absolute word of God. I subscribe to every word and statement in this great Holy Book to the letter.

People often will attempt to debate with me on my beliefs and my faith. My Christian Convictions are strong and I will never engage anyone in such a discussion. Facts and figures and science have been tossed into my face by many but these folks need to understand my core value of beliefs is based on my Faith in God and what I read in my Holy Bible.

It is a shame that so many youngsters these days are not presented with any curriculum dealing with Creation Science and Intelligent Design. Now, more than ever it is important that we all try to support Christian education for as we know that Creation Science will never be taught in public schools as it should be.

The purpose of this blog is not only to celebrate my Christian Naturalist lifestyle but here I will also evangelize for the Lord and will also write about other Christian values close to my heart and soul and that includes my strong faith in 6 Day Creationism.

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." - Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Creation Photograph #6

I read the Holy Bible (KJV) everyday. My faith is based on the words of the Holy Bible. I live my life by every word in the Holy Bible. Though God’s words of the Holy Bible I have been saved and reborn into a new life with Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Lord and my King of Kings.

I am a Creationist and solidly believe that God is my Creator and created everything around me, above me and below me; Everything!

I love photography and using my photographs to praise the Lord’s creation is a joyful pleasure for me. Most of these photos were taken nearby my home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

I would love to share with you my photographs and graphics which serve to honor my Creator. (Click on the graphic and a full resolution graphic will appear).

Matthew 6:25-34 (King James Version)

25Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

-Matthew 6:25-34 (King James Version)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Praying with my Photography #3

I love photography and I love prayer! So it only seems right to combine them both into these graphics I would love to share with you. All of these photographs were taken by me. To see the full high resolution graphic, please click on the image. God Bless You! Jesus DOES Save!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Creation Photograph #5

I read the Holy Bible (KJV) everyday. My faith is based on the words of the Holy Bible. I live my life by every word in the Holy Bible. Though God’s words of the Holy Bible I have been saved and reborn into a new life with Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Lord and my King of Kings.

I am a Creationist and solidly believe that God is my Creator and created everything around me, above me and below me; Everything!

I love photography and using my photographs to praise the Lord’s creation is a joyful pleasure for me. Most of these photos were taken nearby my home here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

I would love to share with you my photographs and graphics which serve to honor my Creator. (Click on the graphic and a full resolution graphic will appear).