Sunday, June 14, 2009

Christian Nudism is Flourishing

Christian nudism is a flourishing movement which has taken root in recent years. While there have always been nudists who were Christians, there are now many websites, groups, and even locations dedicated to the idea that Christianity is quite compatible with nudism. Of course the Bible has been interpreted through the ages to say what leaders at the time wanted it to say, and sometimes what were considered “Christian” principles were not actually biblical in origin at all. Many Christian nudists now point out that there is no commandment in the Bible that says it is wrong to be nude, in front of others, or otherwise. In fact, some of the mentions of “shame” in association with nudity in the Bible should be taken in cultural context. Nudity was more of a symbol of poverty or humility than immorality (with possible exception for things such as the Israelites-and-golden-calf episode). In fact, the association of immorality with nudity seems to have been made by medieval church leaders, who of course did many other things to supress people’s pusuit of happiness in life. American Christianity seems to have often associated nudity with immorality, with sexual meaning assumed, though this varies by religious sect and even region of the country.

Even the story of the Garden of Eden implies that nudity should be idealized as a part of a state of paradise.

Not many Christians know that there was an unusual Christian sect, the Adamites, that flourished in North Africa through the 4th century AD (with similar, later revivals in Europe) that practiced nudism. Perhaps it is the earliest known western case of nudism as a conscious movement to be nude.

Christian nudism helps the nudism as a whole, to maintain a non-sexual, disciplined, well-principled image. And whatever the future of Christian nudism, it’s sure to add some balance to some beliefs that had become biased with agenda-driven interpretations though the ages.


  1. Aren't you that Naked Old Hippie guy that preaches pot smoking and fornication and foul language ? Great witness.......

  2. Are we reading the same bible sir? You are taking out of context scriptures and forming them to suit your own needs and that is why there are so many denominations in the Christian world today. IN Genesis it plainly states that after Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that God looked for and called Adam and Eve and they hid for shame of their nakededness. When God found out what they had done he commanded them to cover themselves and they did. See the thing here is that while Adam and Eve were still in a stage of innocence they did not think of their bodies or nakedness in the same way they did after eating of the fruit of that tree. Afterword they then had new thoughts and ways of seeing things. People today are very sexually sick. Look at the number of pedophiles today. Look at the number of rapes today. Do we really want to egg the sick people on? Do you?
    Look at Genesis again and give me a shout. I hate it when people tell only the part of astory they like best and change some of the words or leave this out and add that to suit themselves. I guess you also think that Adam and Eve were the first and only people on the earth at that time too and we are all a product of incest? Wrong again. READ GENESIS and put your clothes on and act like a real man of God instead of acting like an pervert and then give me a yell back after you read that book you are preaching from.

  3. I suppose my personal blog would not be right unless I wrote an entry on one of my very favorite "places" to be; laying back naked, chilling, big bowl of weed to toke on, legs spread wide apart, my cock sticking straight up all fat and swollen and while I am toking on my big bowl of weed all the while I am getting incredibly good head. Yep! Pot, I swear has got to be the #1 aphrodisiac created by the very Good Lord himself for all his mankind to enjoy fucking beautiful sex.
    Any time I am toking and getting blown, there are moments my toes literally curl big time. Talk about comfort and the big warm and fuzzy feeling. Brings to mind one of my favorite tunes, "Comfortably Numb".
    I am blessed for at my age (60) I still love to party and it’s unbelievable how I enjoy sex as much or more at this stage of the game than ever before in my life. Fucking unreal man! fucking and sucking and carrying on like fucking jack rabbits. Smoking weed and watching high quality porn is fucking nice too! I am so bless to be bi-sexual and damn can some men suck cock out there! I mean what is the fucking big deal.. light up a bowl, smoke, smoke and smoke, get fucking baked and BLOW! Oh YEH!
    I think it is perfectly alright for a 16 year old to smoke weed. I was 13 when I started smoking weed back in 1962, 47 years ago! Weed was illegal back then as it is today but in 1962 there wasn’t so much paranoia attached to it. Fuck, back then we never even looked at it as a drug.. It was just this shit you grew in yer backyard!Sex Drugs and Rockin Fuckin Roll!
    I got no fucking idea where this blog will go. I am not even sure why I am creating it. I suppose the main reason is maybe some of you other fellow older hippies will get in touch with me and we can talk about the old days. Drugs sex and rock and roll eh!

    This world today is not quite what I imagined it would be like when I was a gullible fuck back in the 1960s. Yep, I still smoke my weed... can't imagine life without it.

    Shit, I have been sucking on my water pipe for over an hour now and I'm too fucking baked to keep writing this and that's good cuz when I wake up in the morning who knows what letters will travel from my stinky dope brain to my fingertips and onto the keyboard.

    Shit, I a fucking high! Going to go listen to some Stones and Zeppelin for a bit ..mmm maybe some Cream too.. Wheels of Fire!!! Smoke more dope, watch some dirty movies and squeeze my lemon till the fucking jizz er I mean juice runs down my legs.Love you all

  4. Now the comment posted above this was copied from this pervert's favorite blog. You are no preacher and you are no Chrisitian! You need to be listed on the sexual offender's list. Does your religious organization know about the real you?

  5. I'm an agnostic and totally against the tyranny of the Christian and Islamic faiths, but I admire priests who dare to defy the oppression of the churches in some way. With a grin I read the near psychopathic ramblings of 'Angie' here. The funny thing is that 'Angie' hasn't understood ONE WORD of her (?) treasured Genesis. Which may be an incomprehensible story at times, and open for too many interpretations, but keeping to that story line even I see that Adam and Eve's so-called shame is not what their creator had in mind.
    His remark 'Who told you that you are naked' is even mind-boggling, if you think about it. we see the ultimate wisdom here. Whatever it was that manipulated Adam and Eve's naive and weak minds, it was them (mankind) who decided that the unclothed physical state was bad, them, nothing and no one else.
    Adam and Eve were fools, and homo sapiens is till this day, and will always be.

    'Angie' is probably highly frustrated that she was born naked. Hates to have to keep her eyes shut when she showers. But enjoying the orgasms you derive from your original sin 'burden' just the same, crazy masochist broad?

    "Does your religious organization know about the real you?"
    Tell us all about it, Angie. You set a private investigator on him, or are you spying on him personally? What are your sexual fantasies? Getting caught in the act and raped by him?

    Christian Nudist, whether you are a clerical fraud or not; thumbs up.
